Oakwood Park

Home of the Ohio Hispanic Veterans Memorial and the Hungarian Veterans Memorial.

Hispanic Veterans Memorial

In April 1980, AMVETS Post #58 established a small memorial at the northeast corner of Oakwood Park, the heart of the Hispanic community. It was established to honor all Hispanic veterans who had served our country in the military and to also honor those fallen while defending it.

The Ohio Hispanic Veterans Committee is currently working on expanding their memorial. If you would like to know more information or wish to support the cause, please visit their website for specific information.


Hungarian Veterans Memorial

The largest concentration of Hungarian-Americans in the United States live in the Greater Cleveland Metropolitan Area in Northeast Ohio. The Hungarian Veterans Memorial commemorates the contributions and sacrifices of these veterans in pursuit of independence and freedom both here in the United States and back in Hungary. This memorial serves as a tribute to their service, sacrifice and dedication providing a place for remembrance and reflection within the community.

2047 E 36th St, Lorain, OH 44055